Tag Archives: moisturizer

SOKO Secrets: 10 Steps to Flawless Skin │ 韓系美膚之密: 完美淨膚10步驟

31 May

Soko Secret

韓系美膚之密: 完美淨膚10步驟

By: India-Jewel Jackson of ELLE.com

English-Chinese Translation (英中翻譯): Tommy Beauty Pro


You’d be hard-pressed to come across a Korean woman who doesn’t have flawless, hauntingly beautiful skin. Ever wondered why? It’s because Koreans tend to view caring for their complexion as the ultimate investment, worthy of not only their money, but even more so their time. In fact, many perform an intricate 10-step cleansing and moisturizing routine—every single night. Charlotte Cho, curator and co-founder of Soko Glam, an e-commerce destination that retails popular Korean beauty products stateside, gives ELLE.com insight on how to get perfect skin in 10 (steps, that is).

妳可曾覺得奇怪,為什麼妳認識的每個韓國女生都擁有完美無瑕,又讓人覺得精緻美麗的肌膚?想知道為什麼嗎?就是因為韓國女生都會將美膚保養作為她們最的重要的投資,這項投資不僅僅是金錢方面,更是時間上的投資。她們每晚都會作10項精緻的美膚保養步驟。夏洛特 (Charlotte Cho)是一家風靡韓國的網路美容產品銷售—Soko Glam公司的負責人兼聯合創辦人,她將告訴讀者們如何達到完美肌膚的10步驟。



Step 1: Prep and Pre-Cleanse

The first half of the ever-popular Korean “double cleanse” method involves removing the day’s BB cream and blush with a nutrient-rich towelette to erase every trace of eye makeup with a liquid remover. Next, draw out sebum and bacteria using a gentle oil cleanser and lukewarm water. “Oil eliminates impurities without drying out your skin,” shares Cho.





Step 2: And Then Cleanse Again

Korean women believe thorough, proper cleansing is the key to a radiant, acne-free complexion, which is precisely why they opt to cleanse again—with a mild cream or foaming cleanser. “Don’t rub,” says Cho. “Soft circular motions do the trick.”





Step 3: Buff, Buff, Exfoliate

The supplest skin is completely devoid of any dead skin cells collected on the surface, so gently slough it off—and don’t forget to do your pout, too. However, scrubbing your entire face every single night is nothing short of overkill. “It’s better to focus your efforts on areas that really need it, like visible pores on your cheeks or blackheads on your nose,” suggests Cho.





Step 4: Tighten Up With Toner

We’re not talking about your average, everyday, chock-full-of-alcohol toner found in the Western hemisphere; Korean variations are marketed as a hydrating yet clarifying—wait for it—cleanse. “It removes any residual residue from the prior three steps, while soothing and restoring your pH balance,” explains Cho. “Plus, it preps your skin to better absorb what comes next.”





Step 5: Essence Is Essential

Often regarded as the utmost essential part of the Korean skincare regimen (aside from double cleansing, of course), essence is a nourishing liquid concentrate that effectively enhances skin’s cellular renewal process, leading to an increase in elasticity and firmness, as well as a brighter complexion. “Once I spritz it on, I gently tap it into the skin to assist with absorption,” details Cho.





Step 6: Add an Ampoule

“Basically it’s a condensed, vitamin-rich version of essence with a much slicker consistency,” Cho points out. What’s more, every single drop packs a mighty powerful punch. “Its purpose is to directly address any existing or potential anti-aging issues, like dulling skin, uneven tone, or loss of collagen and elasticity.”





 Step 7: Massage it, Patch it, Mask it

Here’s where you would typically apply one of those super-popular facial sheet masks, but Cho recommends applying it only two-to-three times a week for maximum effectiveness. On your off-nights, supplement with a five-minute facial massage to boost circulation, or opt for targeted treatments in the form of wrinkle-fighting collagen eye patches and an utterly adorable hydrating lip mask. “Korean cosmetic companies definitely think outside of the box when it comes to packaging,” reveals Cho. “Quality and design go hand-in-hand.”





Step 8: Tap On the Eye Cream

Since prevention is better than a cure, keep fine lines, puffiness, and dark circles at bay with an intensive eye cream. The trick is not to tug or pull the skin when applying—instead, liberally tap it around the entire eye. “This ensures that the thin, delicate area stays super-moisturized so it won’t dry out and create even more fine lines,” adds Cho.

步驟8 :點抹眼霜




Step 9: Emulsify Yourself

Rewind. Remember that comprehensive cleansing session that took place in the beginning? You’ll need to replenish your skin’s hydration levels with a lightweight emulsion, which is what we’d call a facial moisturizer. “Use your fingertips to lightly massage the product into your face to promote circulation,” specifies Cho. “And don’t forget your neck!”





Step 10: Slather on the Sleeping Pack

For the grand ‘gorgeous, glowy skin’ finale, we come full circle and double up once again. Smooth on a second layer of moisture with an ultra-rich night cream or a sleeping pack. Confused? “Think of it as a cream mask that locks in the emulsion and keeps your face hydrated throughout the night,” concludes Cho.

步驟10 :大量使用的睡眠型保濕面膜



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Tommy’s Beauty Tip on Moisturizer

2 Apr

Overdose Your Moisturizer!

Once a while, I would “overdose” on my moisturizer at night time before I go to bed. What does it mean? It means that I would use an excess amount of facial moisturizer (or night cream) to massage onto my skin. Why? It gives an extra boost of water that the skin needs overnight, it feels extra cushiony, and the skin just feels so pampered the next morning when you wake up – and it will be so ready for you to apply the make-up!

Give it a try, it works so effectively in cold winter time. I think you will love it as much as I do!


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